CB7/M Standing Committees work with the community to address concerns within the district. The committees are usually the first to review and modify, if necessary, the issues that will finally come before the Full Board as resolutions. Most committees have two co-chairpersons who are appointed by the CB7/M Chairperson; the Chairperson also appoints each member of the Board (other than CB7/M officers) to two committees that meet monthly. Additional meetings may be called when necessary. Meetings are usually held at CB7/M headquarters at 250 West 87th Street although, from time to time, larger venues are necessary for the crowds interested in particular proposals. Each committee can issue reports and collaborate with other committees and City agencies to protect the needs of the community, in consultation with the Chairperson. Many committees review applications, such as for the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC) or the State Liquor Authority (SLA); others have broader policy concerns. Two committees may meet jointly if the issue is relevant to both committees – only a quorum of one committee need be present.
Task forces and working groups may be created at times by the Chairperson to study issues that concern the Community Board and the District.
To access information on your committee of interest, simply click on the links provided in the left-hand top column.
These links will lead you to a page containing a concise biography, membership details, as well as any relevant resources or initiatives.